We are excited to bring back the acclaimed documentary Backpack Full of Cash to the Metro Atlanta Area — please see details below:
Are you aware that PRIVATIZATION for PROFIT is well underway in schools, city governments, transportation, etc. in Georgia? People are being elected to office with these ends in mind, are financed by for-profit entities and are soft selling decisions to authorize this movement...
Are you aware of the dire effects of allowing the proliferation of this movement to continue to grow in capacity?
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Showtime: 7:00pm (Doors open at 6:30pm) Q&A to follow
Admission: FREE
Porter Sanford Performing Arts & Community Center
3181 Rainbow Drive, Decatur, GA 30034
Join the Georgia Federation of Teachers, JEEPAC & the NAACP DeKalb Chapter for a free screening of Backpack Full of Cash.
Directed by New York kindergarten teacher Sarah Mondale, and narrated by Matt Damon, this thought-provoking film was filmed in Philadelphia, New Orleans, Nashville and other cities, throughout the tumultuous 2013-14 school year, exposing the world of corporate-driven education “reform” where public education — starved of resources -- hangs in the balance.
In the wake of the 2016 presidential elections and the appointment of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, as well as the installation of a pro-charter majority of the Atlanta Public School Board, BACKPACK is timelier than ever. BACKPACK puts a human face on complex social, racial and civic issues confronting educators, students, families, and our communities. It also serves as a tool to show how other communities are fighting back against an effort to privatize public education.