What: The National Association for Bilingual Education's 54th Annual International Bilingual and Bicultural Education Conference
Where: Hyatt Regency - Atlanta, Georgia
When: February 20th through February 22nd, 2025
Education Site Visits & Pre-Conference Institutes: February 19, 2025
Who should attend NABE: Educators in the field of dual language, ESL, administrators, paraprofessionals, university professors, students, researchers, advocates, policymakers, and parents.
Established in 1975, the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) is a nonprofit membership organization that advocates for educational equity and academic excellence for bilingual/multilingual students in a global society. NABE has 19 national affiliates and 3 international affiliates. NABE and its affiliates collectively represent more than 15,000 teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, professors, advocates, researchers, policy makers, and parents dedicated to improving educational outcomes for bilingual/multilingual learners. NABE's goals include improving instructional programs and practices for linguistically and culturally diverse children, providing bilingual and dual language educators with high-quality professional development opportunities, securing adequate funding for quality dual language programs, serving English learners (ELs), and keeping the rights of English learners at the forefront as states and communities enact sustainable educational reforms.
The annual NABE conference is the only one in the United States dedicated to exploring topics of interest to teachers, administrators, and parents of multilingual learners (MLs), including dual language, second language acquisition, bilingual education, language immersion, assessment and accountability, teacher training, special education, and grassroots activities. This will be the first time the NABE Conference will be hosted in Atlanta, Georgia. The theme for this year’s conference is “Multilingualism for a United Global Society”. Along with internationally renowned keynote and featured speakers, there will also be special presentations from experts in the field, special interest groups and over 350 sessions. Participants will also be able to register online for visits to local education sites that are implementing successful dual language programs. The NABE Resource Hall will showcase educational products and services. NABE’s Job Fair provides a forum for school districts seeking to recruit. Students, teachers, educational leaders, and advocates will be recognized for their efforts to promote the importance of languages, literacy and equity during the general sessions and NABE Awards Luncheon.
Online registration closes January 17, 2025
Dónde: Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Georgia
Cuándo: del 20 al 22 de febrero de 2025
Visitas a sitios educativos e institutos previos a la conferencia: 19 de febrero de 2025
Quién debería asistir a NABE: Educadores del lenguaje dual, ESL, administradores, paraprofesionales, profesores universitarios, estudiantes, investigadores, defensores, formuladores de políticas y padres.
¡La inscripción en línea cierra el 17 de enero de 2025!