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For Immediate Release
Nov. 8, 2016

DeLane Adams

Statement by Verdaillia Turner, President of the Georgia Federation of Teachers

on the defeat of Governor Nathan Deal's Opportunity School District/Amendment 1

"Today, parents, teachers and the communities across the state resoundingly rejected the idea that policymakers alone should be the stewards of our children's future and public education-the public wants to maintain its voice.

"Instead, Georgians sent a clear message to Governor Deal and other stakeholders-we need to make changes to our


Article originally posted online November 1, 2016 via

In High School Graduation, State Improves While State Charters Lag    

By Grant Blankenship

Georgia continues to improve its graduation rate, but the state's high school experiments, its charter schools, are lagging behind.

Georgia’s high school graduation rate improved for a fifth straight year, according to data released Tuesday by the State Department of Education, to 79.2 percent. That’s about 3 points off the national rate.

Thirteen charter high schools have been around long enough to make the 2016 numbers. The eight schools

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For Immediate Release
Oct. 14, 2016

Andrew Crook

Backdoor ‘Neovouchers’ Allow Wealthy to Profit off Public Funds for Schools
WASHINGTON—Ten U.S. states are blatantly circumventing public opposition or constitutional obstacles to publicly funded private school vouchers by allowing wealthy taxpayers to turn a profit on “charitable” contributions to private schools, a report released this week by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy reveals.

See how the Recovery School District/OSD has negatively impacted New Orleans

UPDATE: Disenfranchised Communities/Part 3 shows how privatizing public education has disenfranchised the New Orleans community by limiting the voices of parents and community members. The film touches on the fired school employees causing the loss of thousands of middle-class jobs and the efforts by neighborhood schools to write their own charter applications but were denied. This model of disenfranchising communities is being exported to other cities around the country.



See what the Recovery School District has done


Report prepared by The Center for Popular Democracy

Low-performing public schools have become a critical battleground between corporate-backed initiatives that remove local control of schools and favor the privatization of public education, and proponents of community schools who assert that parents, teachers and students—in short, the public—are the greatest asset in restoring strong educational outcomes.

Click here to read the Executive Summary & Findings


Through ALEC, Global Corporations Are Scheming to Rewrite YOUR Rights and Boost THEIR Revenue

Through the corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called "model bills" reach into almost every area of American life and often directly benefit huge corporations.

In ALEC's own words, corporations have "a VOICE and a VOTE" on specific changes to the law that are then proposed in your state. DO YOU?

Click here to learn more about ALEC.