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Background: "Parent trigger," a concept first enacted in state legislation in California in 2010, lets the parents of students in a low-performing school collectively to petition the state or school district to allow for alternative school governance, like conversion to a charter school. Now enacted in a handful of states nationwide, parent trigger is supported by corporate backers like the Koch brothers.

  •  A bill, HB 123-also known as the "Parent and Teacher Empowerment Act"-has been introduced in the Georgia Legislature to allow a majority of parents (more than 50 percent) or a majority of

AFL-CIO union members will gather in Annapolis February 11th for AFT-Maryland Lobby Night.

Participants will gather at the AFT-Maryland office, 5800 Metro Drive, in Baltimore at 4:45 p.m. to board buses bound for the state capitol.

All participants will receive briefing materials that identify the bills of interest to union members and AFT-Maryland’s positions on those bills. Lobby Night participants will visit their elected representatives and inform them of the federation’s positions on legislation that affects working families in Maryland. Lists of the legislators associated with the bills of



One of the nation's largest teachers unions wants to take the profession up a notch.

The American Federation of Teachers wants educators to take a tough written exam before they step into the classroom at schools across the country.

"We want to see our profession respected and if that's what it takes to earn the respect to attract highly qualified applicants then by all means that's what we need to do," said Ron Fowler of the Georgia Federation of Teachers (GFT).

The whole idea is to raise the bar to ensure kids get the best education possible.

Teachers in Georgia do test


Press Release

Georgia Leads the Country in Growth on National Tests
MEDIA CONTACT: Matt Cardoza, GaDOE Communications Office, (404) 651-7358,
Dorie Turner Nolt, GaDOE Communications Office, (404) 656-5594,  
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Nov. 1, 2012 -- Georgia leads the country when looking at year-to-year growth on the most recent national tests. One-year growth on the SAT, ACT, Advanced Placement (AP), and the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in Math, Reading and Science shows Georgia is the only state in the country to make

AFTPA President Ted Kirsch said the new PA pension report was once-sided and misleading in a radio interview with Labor Radio Show Host Rick Smith Tuesday night. Listen to the audio here. Click the headline to read more.


With additional reporting by Matthew Charles Cardinale.

Article from Atlanta Progressive News, click here to go to website.

(APN) ATLANTA -- Georgia voters are currently being faced with a referendum on a possible constitutional amendment which claims as its goal to provide “for improving student achievement” by allowing a state-run commission to by-pass local school board decisions and State Board of Education decisions to approve charter schools that are not approved by either of these boards.

However, Atlanta Progressive News has learned that neither state