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Georgia General Assembly - SB 30 (Unlocking the Promise of Community Schools Act)



What is a Community School?

  1. Community schools provide more than one type of service to students and the community.
  2. Community schools better support and enable a strong, academic curriculum. Partnerships are coordinated and purposeful.
  3. Community schools share a vision and mission and are results-driven.
  4. A site resource coordinator makes sure that all of the service and community providers are working together.
  5. Community schools work with students but

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Article originally posted in Education Week

Attending Texas Charter Schools Hurt Students' Future Wages, Study Finds

Texas charter schools on average have a negative effect on students' future earnings, according to a new working paper by two economists.


Reconnecting McDowell is a comprehensive, long-term effort to make educational improvement in McDowell County the route to a brighter economic future. Partners from business, foundations, government, nonprofit agencies and labor have committed, in a signed covenant, to seeking solutions to McDowell’s complex problems—poverty, underperforming schools, drug and alcohol abuse, housing shortages, limited medical services, and inadequate access to technology and transportation.

None of this will be easy or quick; the problems in McDowell County have been decades in the making. But by working