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On Tuesday, October 11th and 12th, the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) held their regularly scheduled October meetings. There was increased interest and scrutiny because of a few controversial issues on the agenda: funding and accountability.


Tuesday’s committee meetings began with a public hearing to receive public recommendations regarding the Minimum Foundation Program (MFP), which is the funding formula for Louisiana public schools. As expected, advocates from the Louisiana Association of School Superintendents, the Louisiana School Boards Association, and


Don’t Forfeit Our Future

COVID-19 is triggering state and local budget crises across the nation, especially in Louisiana. Our state and local governments are facing decreased revenue while simultaneously incurring huge new costs as they seek to contain and treat the coronavirus and respond to the virus-induced spike in joblessness and related human needs. 

We cannot get back to work, back to school and back to our future without critical investments, and without ensuring workers have a voice in that process. For too long, teachers have been asked to do too much with too little

In April, the U.S


Over the last ten months, the Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation (GTFF), AFT Local 3544, has bargained in good faith with the University of Oregon administration while striving to move toward a living wage, to maintain coverage of health insurance costs, and to make gains in terms of summer funding, support for international students, parental leave, and childcare subsidies. The university is proving reluctant to provide these simple things to graduate employees, despite the fact that graduate employee working conditions are student learning conditions.

GTFF represents over 1,400 graduate


Excellent Schools Project is Not an Excellent Plan

The following is in response to the Atlanta-Journal Constitution's January 2nd article titled Atlanta school board could vote in March on school rating plan.

While the "Excellent Schools Project" is being sold to the public as a way to rate Atlanta public schools and identify those that don’t measure up, it’s really nothing more than a blame game public relations stunt that fails to address the real issue: the school district failed to provide Atlanta’s educators with the resources they need to carry out its lofty “Turn Around Plan,” and now


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Media Advisory for:                                                                                                         
Tuesday, September 10, 2019               

Ron Fowler

404-315-0222 o. 
404-731-5205 c.



Atlanta Federation of Teachers and others speak to the search and hiring process of the next superintendent and the future of Atlanta Public Schools



Atlanta, GA – Education organizations, community groups and others will speak to best practices in searching for and hiring a


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Considerations in Superintendent Search Criteria and Selection

There is no off-the-shelf checklist for the profile of the “perfect” superintendent or school system leader, largely because context and community matter. While credentials, skills, and achievements are, of course, significant, the art of superintendent selection is in the match to context and community. With that in mind, it is not only the content of the candidate profile that matters, but also the process of developing it. Thinking about superintendent characteristics just as a task for the governing body alone is a